This year, more than ever, we focused on growth in art: Each student tried to chart his or her journey, moments of ease and inspiration and challenge.
Kindergartener's September drawing (above)
End of the year drawing (below)
Students were given the same simple directions and the materials at the beginning and end of the year: "Draw a person (or face, or place) as you think an artist would. You can use memory, observation, or imagination. Show detail. Add color if you'd like..."
5th Grader's September drawing (above)
End of the year drawing (below)
Students brought work home in their end of the year portfolios, the pictures presented side by side, marking their effort and gorgeous growth!
Thank you VLM family for all of your support and kindness these last 8 years!
Yours in art,
Ms. Jocelyn Johnson
[Images top to bottom, Jones' September and May drawings (K), Katerina's September and May drawing (5th), Chase's mounted drawings (K), Caroline's mounted drawings (K)]