VLM students continue to floor me with their skill, enthusiasm, and willingness to tackle difficult tasks, as with these 4th grade Vincent VanGogh inspired self portraits.
Students looked a series of Van Gogh's artwork--- portraits and then landscapes---then put the two elements together (as VanGogh never did, that I know of) in their own original work.
Students strived to draw a face IN PROPORTION, and also to create a believable Virginia landscape that showed one of a specific regions with the right geographical characteristics.
One challenge (and source of excitement) was to work to master the use of dry pastels: rubbing, smearing, smoothing, mixing and controlling color.
VLM graders continue to study the big design idea of how artist consider PROPORTION, which begun with our dream house facade collages below.
More stunning self portraits will soon be on display at our school. Congratulations to ALL fourth graders, for this gorgeous body of work.
**There is currently a Van Gogh exhibit in DC through January. For more info look here.