Sunday, November 29, 2015


A few weeks back, Murray's 5th graders participated in our  first Music/Art Salon, 
what Ms. Corradino and I have dubbed Art Show & Tell.

A set of brave students volunteered to go first,  sharing an artwork or musical performance---it could be finished or in progress, from school or completed independently. The main idea was to share work along with  a little of the process in order to learn and be inspired by one another.

Students held up their canvases, their drawn games, an origami ornament, and in one case, played a song on the recorder with her nose---elegantly somehow, and to the amazement of the crowd.

It was a pleasure to see students share art, ask questions, compliment one another, and experience a sense of audience. We will continue these Show & Tell sessions throughout the school year as we all continue to learn and grow!

Monday, November 2, 2015


Students looked carefully at natural objects, then drew and painted.

For fifth graders, it was shells and other objects for the sea, which reminded us of summer. After drawing, students overlay their objects with designs that created a point of emphasis, inspired by bull's-eyes found in American Artist Aaron Douglas work (below).

Third graders looked at autumn leaves and used watercolor for their work.

Our leaf painting were inspired by the big, bold color and unified designs of artist Georgia O'keeffe, but our final projects could become something more personal and unique!

(Images from top to bottom: Will T., 5th graders working, Aaron Douglas image, Christina, Mea, 3rd graders at critique, Georgia O'keeffe image, Robbie, Gracie)