Sunday, May 22, 2016


My third grade students knocked it out of the park with their clay creations, inspired by sculptor Henry Moore, who is known for sculpting seated and reclining figures. 

 Students started by practicing and planning with modeling clay. They could use different forms---slabs, coils, and spheres---to create a person or creature. Students chose athletes, pets, mythical creatures and at least one angel.

Our final work was fired in the kiln, then painted carefully with watercolors. The wonder of clay is its ability to engage all learners, and transform into something that lasts.

(Work from top to bottom: Kate, Cole, Conner R., Kai,  Yusef, Lucy, Robbie, and Madelyn, Daniel)

Saturday, May 14, 2016


I found some great parings of pictures of fifth grade students (now) and their work through time. 

For Instance: Nora in kindergarten, and her work, again, in 5th grade.....

And Preston in 1st grade and 3rd.

Here's Lydia in 2nd grade, and her 5th grade portrait in progress.

It's heartening to me to see in stills and color how much my students have changed from year to year...

And how they have remained the same. 

 What a beautiful and creative bunch---each and every one of them!

  What do you remember most from art this year at Murray?


Here are a few images from our 5th grade final performance and Art show. My favorite parts, how the fifth graders talked, Salon style about their self created musical expressions and...

...the standing room only, jubilant, slide show of students in the art room through the year.

We did it, Ms. Corradino!
Art Matters. 

To peek at our slideshow images, and more photos from our event, go here.