Sunday, April 13, 2014


Every year VLM students K-5 start at least one artwork by looking at Still lifes set around our art room. Over the years, I've collected an assortment of objects---a blue green vase, a Japanese teapot, an assortment of candle holders. I always mix these stables among inexpensive novel objects to create a yearly theme. This year I included glittery gift-boxes and glinting tinsel.

In addition to using different materials, each grade approaches their still life project through the lens of their grade-level theme. For example, second grades looked at Still lifes by Henri Mattisse, and were challenged to include PATTERN in their work. 

My favorite thing about still life is the element of observation: Students often are surprised by how realistic or detailed their drawings can be when they look carefully at real objects before drawing or painting them. Through still life, students come to understand drawing as an act of translation and communication, as well as imagination and  creativity.

What kinds of object would you include in a super cool still life? Would your objects be everyday, or off the wall?  (Remember, the objects must be, well, still :)

(Images from top to bottom: Max 2nd grade, Jackson H. Kinder, Emily 3rd,  Charlotte and Helen 2nd, Natalie 4th, Max again)

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Jocelyn Johnson