Tuesday, May 26, 2015


This May students sung, danced, played instruments, and shared selected artwork in a culminating event for family and friends. Here are a few pics:

Our music teacher: Ms. Corradino! 

Per tradition, I shared a slideshow of students working in the art room, for as far back as I've taught them: in this case, since kindergarten. One student recognizes a slide of a work for past years!

Me and My son! Thanks for the flowers C.F and family!  Thanks for the pictures, dad!


VLM students k-5 experimented with form  this Spring, from Kinder's clay-headed 'puppets, inspired by artist Paul Klee, to  out-of-proportion clay masks---after Pablo Picasso---completed by 4th graders!  The #1 favorite art classes are he ones in which we work with clay!

(Pics from top to bottom: 1st grader Ryan X. , C Kinder Camille with Klee puppet and paper-bag house, 4th graders Diana, Maisie & Elena with clay masks, Unseen 5th grader practicing with modeling clay, 5th grader Taquaria with practice clay piece,  Unseen 1st graders with Paper masks, Sample of 2nd grade pinch pot project. )