Sunday, June 12, 2016


 This year, more than ever, we focused on growth in art: Each student tried to chart his or her journey,  moments of ease and inspiration and challenge.

One way we marked growth was by drawing the same image in September of 2015 as in May of 2016. The big idea was to see in a snapshot how we've grown and changed, and also how are tastes and visual instincts have remained the same.

Kindergartener's September drawing (above)
 End of the year drawing (below)

Students were given the same simple directions and the materials at the beginning and end of the year: "Draw a person (or face, or place) as you think an artist would. You can use memory, observation, or imagination. Show detail. Add color if you'd like..."

 5th Grader's September drawing (above)
End of the year drawing (below)

Students brought work home in their end of the year portfolios, the pictures presented side by side, marking their effort and gorgeous growth!

Thank you VLM family for all of your support and kindness these last 8 years!

Yours in art,
Ms. Jocelyn Johnson

[Images top to bottom, Jones' September and May drawings (K), Katerina's September and May drawing (5th), Chase's mounted drawings (K), Caroline's mounted drawings (K)]

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


This spring, fourth grade students worked hard painting plants now on display on VLM's library ceiling.

Students worked in small groups, collecting plant samples from our school yard, then drawing and painting them on large ceiling tiles.

Students used observation and worked to draw plants accurately and to scale, correlating with our fourth grade BIG design idea of considering PROPORTION.

Students mixed colors, making tints and shades, creating hues and tones to create complexity.

Working together was challenging and rewarding, but each team used strategies to complete their goal.

This project began with a visit from accomplished local botanical artist Lara Call Gastinger, who showed students her gorgeous intricate drawing and demonstrated some her techniques. Students also researched and wrote about their plants as part of library and classroom work.


Special thanks to our Librarian, Elizabeth Waterbury, Fourth grade teachers Hollins Mills and Kate Collins, and our lead custodian Isaac Brown who hung the final work.