Monday, April 18, 2016


Our blustery spring art days have been filled with texture and form: Each grade level has (or will soon) work with clay--- forming spheres, coils, slabs---first practicing with modeling clay then creating containers, pendants, masks, and more.

Students also have played with TEXTURE, both actual and suggested.  Kinder students used a variety of textured materials---bumpy, spongy and slick---to create an image about place.

2nd and 3rd Grade students used repeated lines and patterns to make us imagine the textures for feathers, scales shells, branches and other objects in the natural world.

Using texture and working with form are among our funnest, most novel projects of the year!

 (Images from top to bottom:  Michael practicing clay, 5th graders working, 5th grade greenware, Kinders working with textures, Birds by  Reece and Skyler, Jackson's practice piggies!